Adjustments with either Cervical OR Lumbar Decompression

Number of Adjustments with Decompression Cost Savings Buy Now
6 Adjustments w/ Decompression $762 $48 Click Here to Sign Up
12 Adjustments w/ Decompression $1531 $144 Click Here to Sign Up
24 Adjustments w/ Decompression $2808 $432 Click Here to Sign Up

Wellness Care Packages may be purchased after completion of an initial treatment plan. Packages are designed to help you get the wellness care you need, with a target of at least one visit per month. As such, packages expire after two years from purchase date with zero residual value after that point. Packages can be cancelled with a pro-rated refund within one year of purchase. Once purchased, the cost of the purchased treatment is covered and protected from any price increases for the duration of the package. Packages can be shared with one other family member.